News for growing nut trees

How to Layer Chestnuts and make copies of your best trees

Cloning your best chestnut trees allows you to make identical copies of a tree that you believe is a superior tree. Clones of a superior tree you can plant on final spacing to increase productivity or expand your orchard and share or trade the best genetics with other growers.   Cloning a known tree via layering is lower cost than most seedlings without the unknown production, disease resistance and double planting needed for seedlings. 

In only a few easy steps we can do this by encouraging sucker (a.k.a. shoot) growth, then encouraging root growth on the suckers and then dig them up before they start to grow again in the following spring.

Fall news letter From Z's Nutty Ridge LLC

What is in this newsletter?

  • Z’s Nutty Ridge First farm tour August 19th
  • We had a deep late freeze and then a drought. Are the trees okay, Answered!
  • NYTCA Cooperative is setting up shop.
  • NYTCA is hiring an Outreach Coordinator
  • Cultivar Spotlight – Photon - A very unusual hazelnut tree

Summer 2023 Newsletter

What is in this newsletter? We had a deep late freeze and then a drought. Will the trees be oka...

Z's Nutty Ridge Summer 2022 Newsletter

Z's Nutty Ridge Summer 2022 Newsletter

What is in this newsletter? We have added an English walnut to our lineup of nut trees. You can plant potted trees all summer long! Have you done ...

Z's Nutty Ridge Newsletter

New Cultivars Available Pollination requirements? Planting Reminders NYTCA Cooperative - Big News!

Coming Hybrid Hazelnut Cultivars and pollen compatibility

Coming Hybrid Hazelnut Cultivars and pollen compatibility

Coming Hybrid Hazelnut Cultivars and pollen compatibility

Seedlings versus Cultivars - Our News Letter

Seedlings versus Cultivars - Our News Letter

Fall is near and it’s the best time to plant trees! We are working to be the one stop shop for nut trees! What is in this newsletter? Why fall pla...

How to stratify nuts in your refrigerator and then sprout your seeds.

How to stratify nuts in your refrigerator and then sprout your seeds.

Nut trees are easy to propagate from seed. Before the seeds will sprout, the seeds must see hundreds of hours of stratification temperatures betwee...

NITKA Cultivar information

NITKA Cultivar information

Read about NITKA cultivar characteristics here.  

Nut Trees - Plan for Success

Nut Trees - Plan for Success

Planning steps for growing nut trees.