THE HAZELNUT AND CHESTNUT HANDBOOK: All you need to know to grow hazelnuts and chestnuts from 2 to 20,000 trees! Select Color or B & W.
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It is easy to grow hazelnut and chestnut trees almost anywhere in the eastern half of North America, once you know how.
This Handbook has the newest information all in one location you will not find anywhere else.
Hazelnuts and chestnuts are amazing to utilize from your yard to a large commercial orchard. Yet, most people don't know they are native to your location. Our native trees have been hybridized for taste, size, hardiness and disease resistance.
This book was born to answer all of the questions we received in almost 30 years of growing and breeding nut trees from our hilltop orchards, that includes New York's first commercial hazelnut orchard, in the Finger Lakes of New York, we call Z's Nutty Ridge.
Details from cultivar selection, planting, yearly care, protection, pest control to harvest and all the items that are helpful. This is a "how to guide" to aid with your adventure.
Hazelnut and Chestnut orchards are an ideal crop for abandoned low-cost fields, eliminating social and economic barriers to farming. Generating a rebirth of new family farm based businesses, while benefiting our health, and the environment in a sustainable, synergistic manner.
Feedback from customers is the color book is worth the high-quality pictures as the black and white images miss some details. USA Residents only for shipping. All other countries please us Amazon
Paperback Full color: $44.95 Paperback Black and White: $17.95